Want to be part of the solution
to local food insecurity?
Please contact Nicole Peterson, Community Impact Director, at npeterson@union-snydercaa.org to learn how to get involved.
The Food Hub is a program of the Union-Snyder Community Action Agency operating out of Miller Center for Recreation & Wellness’ Cornerstone Kitchen. The Food Hub is an innovative and flexible solution to local food insecurity as it re-distributes food donations from the community to the various food access programs in Union and Snyder counties as well as to individuals in emergency need of food, who, for a variety of reasons, may not be able to access the other food resources in the area. There are three distinct areas that comprise the programs of the Food Hub: emergency food assistance, redistribution of food supply within the local charitable food system, and nutrition insecurity initiatives.
Emergency Food Assistance
The Food Hub provides emergency food, including shelf-stable items, fresh foods, and prepared meals, to CAA and walk-in customers.
Redistribution of Food Supply
The Food Hub aims to support all area food access programs in having what they need in order to best serve the food insecure populations of Union and Snyder counties. It accomplishes this by accepting donations from the community, including individuals, organizations, and retail stores, and then re-distributing the donated product to a network of food programs representing within the Union-Snyder Hunger Coalition.
Nutrition Security Initiatives
Through the partnership of the Food Hub and the Miller Center for Recreation & Wellness, CAA strives to deliver programs with a specific focus on access to nutritious foods and education to CAA customers and the broader community. These programs are targeted to residents of Union and Snyder counties of a variety of ages, from kids’ summer camp programs to adult nutrition classes.
Learn more about the Food Hub by contacting Nicole Peterson, Community Impact Director, at npeterson@union-snydercaa.org.