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Emergency Rental Assistance Leads to Full-Time Employment, Stability

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

In November 2022, CAA received a heartwarming update from a customer who was working with us over two years to achieve his goals of self-sufficiency.

Kevin* was among our first customers to receive assistance from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), instated by the Federal Consolidated Appropriations Act, also known as the second Congressional COVID-19 relief package. The program is administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS).

Kevin's email to his CAA caseworker, Donna, serves as a testament to what hard work, dedication, and a little financial lift can do to long-term success and stability:

"Donna -

Hello. I just wanted to reach out and thank you again for all the help you have given to me over the past two years. Through that time, I worked PT and finished a bachelors degree in political science. I am happy to report that in August, I took a promotion in Harrisburg where I work in office two days a week and [work from home] the other three. It’s FT with all the bells and whistles employment with the Commonwealth brings. I now work in public school retirement dealing with pensions. I just wanted to let you know you have at least one major success story coming out of this. I couldn’t have done it without you and all the support you have extended to me.

Thanks again,


We applaud this customer for his success and send our gratitude to him for sharing this meaningful update with us. We see it as a perfect illustration that goes behind our long-term, wraparound case management and generous funding streams. It may take years, but it'll always be worth it.

*The name and photo has been changed to protect the privacy of the customer.



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